9 January 2014

Plot 243 - Day 2

So, today was day-two on plot 243. 

On day-one we used brush cutters and strimmers, today it was rakes and a box of matches.

The strimming and several years of neglect had left behind a lot of plant material to clear away. We've spent the day raking it up .

If it can be composted it will go on the compost heap
We also found enough bits of rubbish and plastic to fill two black bin bags - a selection of old rusty tools - bricks and rubble - and some flower bulbs pushing through the soil.

Metal for recycling

Rubble for the skip

Windows for a cold frame - maybe

But, we had a bonfire for the woody stuff and perennial weed roots.

Simon keeps the fire burning

We'll spread the ash - so nothing will go to waste

The allotment stare - contemplating what to tackle next

Maybe a cup of tea will help
Green shoots - uncovered

Christina takes another load to the compost heap

Sun is setting - time to put out the fire and go home

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