24 March 2014

3 February 2014

Radbourne Walk - putting our plan into action

On Saturday morning (1st February)  a group of Northfield allotment plot holders and local residents got together to put a plan into action. Luck was with them because the sun shone - not a drop of rain fell all morning.

Rubbish had to be cleared, muddy paths made clean and a new meadow created for Ealing

15 January 2014

We're official

Last night thirty plot holders turned up for the inaugural AGM of the Ealing Dean Allotment Society.

Plotholders studiously checking the proposed constitution

We did a bit of tweaking to the proposed constitution and then we took a vote. Everyone was in favour of the new constitution - no one voted against and there were no abstentions.

11 January 2014

Plot 243 - Day 3

I have a favourite TV programme - it's called DIY SOS. They help people who have become overwhelmed with the task of extending their home. Some poor soul works every weekend, every evening, every spare moment - but the building work never seems to be finished. Then maybe illness slows them down and it all grinds to a halt. At DIY SOS they bring expertise - but importantly they throw a lot of people at the problem. 

Well plot 243 is our problem - unloved and supposedly uncultivateable. To get this plot cleared we would need plenty of people to volunteer their time and get stuck in. 

I stood on the plot this morning at 10.15 and wondered if anyone would turn up....

9 January 2014

Plot 243 - Day 2

So, today was day-two on plot 243. 

On day-one we used brush cutters and strimmers, today it was rakes and a box of matches.

The strimming and several years of neglect had left behind a lot of plant material to clear away. We've spent the day raking it up .