12 December 2013

Inaugural AGM

The next plot holder meeting will be the inaugural AGM of the Ealing Dean Allotment Society:

Tuesday 14th January 2014
Start time 19.30
The Main Hall,
Northfields Community Centre,
71a Northcroft Road,
W13 9SS.

Back in September, the Pathways Board of Trustees gave approval for a move to self-management at Haslemere and Northfields Allotments. For this to work they wanted us to set up a society with an elected chair, treasurer and secretary.

A society must have a constitution – a set of rules and regulations on how it will conduct itself and work with its members. So, we asked for volunteers and a steering group was put together of nine plot holders.

Paul McConnell (plot 218) spent a great deal of time looking at the different types of constitutions already in use by allotment and garden societies. He looked at best practice and has ensured that a future committee has a constitution acceptable to the charity commission.

The constitution is 8 pages long. So we have set up this site and posted it there for you to read. (Any members not on email will be sent it in the post.)

As a plot holder at Northfields Allotments - we would ask you to take some time to read through this proposed constitution. These things are pretty dry and boring. But, we want to get it right and have something that is acceptable to plot holders.

Over the last two months the steering group have debated and discussed the content and we believe we have a constitution that will work. We hope you agree. You can read it here:

We have booked a room on Tuesday 14th January 2014 at the Northfields Community centre to give you a chance to ask us about the constitution, make any changes and ask you to vote on accepting it.

If plotholders vote to accept the constitution we will then need to vote for a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary for the society. 

Currently the following nominations have been received:
Chair: Christina Fox
Treasurer: Kim Tompsett
Secretary: Christine Charles and Crispin Harris (joint secretaries)

If you would like to stand for any of these posts or would like to be on the committee please let us know before the meeting - contact details have been sent to you by email, forum or post.

This is your chance to decide who will run the plots and how. We look forward to seeing you at this important meeting.

Christina Fox

On behalf of the steering group

Christine Charles (plot 166)
Simon Coleman (plot 198)
Christina Fox (plot 172A)
Chris Gilson (plot 238A)
Crispin Harris (plot 208)
Paul McConnell (plot 218)
Kim Tompsett (plot 191)
Mark Tompsett (plot 191)

Jon Wilkins  (plot 176A)

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