29 December 2013

Plot 243 - Uncultivateable.

We have a plot - unloved and neglected - in the corner of the site. It has been left unused for a long time and the longer it is left the worse it will get. It's really sad because it is a great plot, the soil is good and there are even some raised beds. There are two fruit trees, raspberries, holly for a Christmas wreath, and you can see bulbs pushing through the soil. It is close to a gate and water - what more could you want.

Paul with the brush cutter - tackling the denser brambles

The trouble is it is very overgrown. I've no idea why it wasn't rented out sooner - before the brambles had a chance to take hold, but, it wasn't. At one point our landlord (Pathways) had it on their spreadsheet as "uncultivateable".  Now there is a challenge, if ever I saw one.

To clear a plot you need plenty of willing helpers and some sunshine....and luckily we had both. Today, six of us turned up on site with two strimmers, a brush cutter (for the serious stuff), a pair of lopers, multiple secateurs and some very thick gloves. It was a frosty start to the day. But, the sun shone and it was actually quite warm.

Crispin with the strimmer
Kim manages to find a compost bin AND fill it
Paul and Nicholas attacking one end of the plot
Making a path through the scrub

Six people create one large compost heap...

Nicholas, Mark and Crispin

Paul finds some wood to recycle

Mmmmm, shouldn't that say FOR RENT!

A huge thanks to everyone that turned up to help. We're another step closer to getting a communal plot.

If you couldn't make it this time - don't worry - there's still some more to do! So, I'll be asking for volunteers again - once we get some dry weather ;-)


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